Massage Therapy

Rita DeSilva

Over 20 years as a qualified massage therapist who as worked with high profile clients including Royalty and Celebrities. Rita was also working previously at Le Spa and Raffles Hotel for VIP guests only.

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Sports Massage

For athletes & people with chronic pain and stiffness.
Sports Massage is a deep tissue massage technique that focuses primarily on the deeper layers of muscles, connective tissue and fascia. It offers stress relief, pain relief and makes it easier to move (and promotes greater range of motion) by breaking down the adhesions and chronic muscle tension. 

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Lymphatic Drainage

For water retention, poor circulation, healing post-surgery and
Lymph drainage massages are a gentle technique used to improve the flow of the lymphatic system in the body. Lymphatic drainage must be done with specific rhythm and direction to move the accumulated (waste) fluids from the problem area, for example after surgery. Sometimes referred to as a 'detox massage', lymphatic drainage aids your body's internal filtration system to help your immune system. It can be done for the face and body.

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Pre & Post-Natal Massage

Pre-natal massage is a therapeutic technique used during pregnancy which focuses on the special needs and problem areas of the mother-to-be as her body goes through huge changes. Some benefits include reduced swelling, tension, cramps and muscle aches, decreased insomnia, relief from anxiety and stress and a stronger immune system.

Post-natal massage helps to relax and rebalance the body after childbirth. Post-natal massages assist the mother with the demands of breast feeding as well as the physical and emotional stresses of carrying and caring for a newborn. Goals of post-natal massage include recovery after childbirth, regaining strength in the body and helping you get back in shape (pre-pregnancy condition).

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Shiatsu Massage

For Chronic Pain Relief, Stress & Anxiety and sleep issues.
Shiatsu massage originated in Japan based on traditional Chinese medicine principles. It's is a pressure point massage that does not utilise oil. Shiatsu stimulates the body’s vital energy, known as Qi. It can be very deep, and help ease out physical tensions or it can be very light and feel soothing.